parallel laboratories

My art...

..... my making art, for several years now, manifests itself in different ways, from sculpture to painting. The first, three-dimensional, which by its nature creates perspective vision, thus giving a way of representing things as we see them. On the other hand, two-dimensional painting does not have this characteristic, but in my works I still try to give thickness, volume, I stubbornly seek the third dimension, perhaps deluding myself that I can obtain it. The continuous search for the third dimension has led me in the past years to experiment more and more with matter and today I use different materials to further strengthen the concept of three-dimensionality. So I feel sculpture closer to me because it is the way to represent what I want as I want, because I believe that sculpture is "alive".   

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When I'm in my studio to create my works, I often try new materials, new techniques, or rather I feel the need to step outside the conventional. Doing this allows me to find new solutions, new ideas and not only as materials or techniques but also as subjects, as sets, as themes, going beyond my skin of the moment, to find a new one.

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Have questions about my work or suggestions for an article? Don't hesitate to leave a comment, share your ideas or send hello.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.